Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ganglion cyst/no work yet

I went to the foot doctor and I have a ganglion cyst. For the infection I have been using cut and bruises from the health store. Its elimated the infection but only the cyst is left. The pain is back after the infection went away. I dont know why. I am apply for county asssisstant help so I can get this done. I will have it at St. Lukes for day surgery. I will either have a cast or a foot brace.
Ralph and Holly Homan are here. Holly mom died last Saturday with cancer. the funeral will be March 7. I will take care of day while mom goes with Ralph to the funeral. Carla has to work at the Mandarin House.
Matthew is working three jobs and going to college...He has two classes he will take this summer and then graduate in August. He is lucky to have a job at all. He know that.
Ray is taking a electrician class and loves to cook dinner. I end up doing dishes and dishes. I could use a dishwasher.
No luck with job hunting but had an interview on Monday at SL Start. I would be working with the disabled adults and only part time.

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